Empowerment Hub
We have the power to transform the world, to make it a better, safer place. We at Beyond Association choose to connect, collaborate and support each other to co-create safe, resilient communities.
What is „Empowerment Hub”?
EMPOWERMENT HUB is a project that mirrors one of our most important values: empowering ourselves and others. The project was created to provide a space for young people to develop. Beyond volunteers are supported to discover their potential and develop projects that reflect our shared values.
"I believe in the great potential of young people to make the world a better place, and through this project we aim to create that safe and supportive space where young people can create, take action and achieve some of their goals." (Delia, co-founder & coordinator of Empowerment Hub @Beyond)”
We invite you to meet young people who have taken action in the Empowerment Hub and inspired us
Adrian Lari
Community manager
Erasmus+ projects and training courses helped me to develop personally and improved my skills such as: language skills (or other communication skills), increased my knowledge about European youth programmes, gave me new perspectives, teamwork and organisational skills.
Sunt implicat activ în proiectele Beyond, având ocazia să particip la proiecte organizate de asociație sau în parteneriat cu aceasta. M-am implicat în susținerea atât a aspectelor tehnice, cât și a celor non-tehnice în implementarea unor proiecte.
Teodora Păucean
Teo este psiholog, asistent de psihodramă și coach certificat, expert în – Public Speaking – Asertivitate și abilități de comunicare Managementul conflictelor – Tipuri de personalitate – Mentorat în carieră, sprijinind adulții și tinerii să își creeze o viață în termenii lor, aliniată cu viziunea, valorile și personalitatea lor.
Iulia Ani
Project manager
Numele meu este Ani Iulia-Maria și studiez Limbi Moderne Aplicate (Engleză și Franceză) la Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca. Am participat în proiecte Erasmus+ și voluntariat, axându-mă pe ajutorarea persoanelor cu dizabilități. Scrierea unui proiect de solidaritate a dezvoltat abilitățile mele organizatorice și productivitatea, oferindu-mi perspective noi în aplicarea cunoștințelor.
Cristina Găvriluț
The projects I have been involved in as a logistics manager, participant and volunteer have helped me to better understand various topics such as inclusion, diversity, European citizenship, digitisation, recycling. I have explored these topics through youth exchanges and training courses organised in different European countries. I am currently working with other young people from different countries to plan a youth exchange focusing on eco-entrepreneurship and a solidarity project aimed at preventing alcohol and substance addiction.
Darius Burdeți
Project manager and advisor
Numele meu este Darius și sunt pompier militar și paramedic. În 2020, am participat la un schimb de tineri în Istanbul, stârnindu-mi interesul pentru proiectele Erasmus+. În viitor, doresc să scriu și să gestionez proiecte Erasmus+, să mă implic în mai multe activități de voluntariat și schimburi de tineri. Elaborarea proiectului #FirstAidBasics.YE a fost un proces minunat, creând ceva semnificativ alături de prieteni și parteneri din diverse țări.
Andrei Farcas
Clinical psychologist
Clinical psychologist with experience working with children and adolescents. I worked as a psychologist at the Little People Association following a 3 year voluntary work placement. In addition, I volunteered at Preventis Association, focusing on alcohol and drug prevention among adolescents. I focus on gaining as much experience as possible in the field of psychology but at the same time participating in Erasmus programmes with a focus on personal development.
Delia Cristina Roșca
Co-fondator & manager Empowerment Hub
Inspiration, cooperation, empowerment. This is my mantra for the Empowerment Hub project. I am grateful for every experience, every failure and every achievement.
Iulia Fink
Project Consultant
Since high school, my passion has been nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. I am now studying Nutrition and Dietetics for my Master's degree. I have organised nutrition workshops for children. By developing the application for YE #mindyoureating, I gained a better understanding of the concept and objectives of Erasmus+ projects, but also developed a deeper understanding of myself.
Iulian Lerca
Project manager
#ECOCHANGEMAKERS was my first project, born out of the need to show that I CAN. It was a challenge to develop the project, I didn't know what to write and how long it would take. I thank Irene, who guided us through the application process, now things are clearer and I feel ready to write another project. I am very proud and happy that the project has been approved and I am ready to move on to the second part of this challenge, the implementation.
Anamaria Lăzăruc
Project manager and facilitator
A student of Psychology and Educational Sciences at A. I. Cuza University in Iasi, with over 6 years of experience in volunteering, she has evolved from volunteering to project coordination and management. Her passion for psychology, science, technology, education and citizenship motivates her to support both her own development and that of others.
Bogdan Hancis
Fekete Eduard
Mă numesc Fekete Eduard. Sunt psihoterapeut de meserie și o persoană energică de fel. Încerc să îmbin pe cât posibil mișcarea, umorul, distracția și serioazitatea atât în plan profesional, cât și în viața de zi cu zi.
Eliza Reitler
Alexandra Comiati
EXTENSIVE GENERATION is an informal group of enthusiastic and proactive young people from different backgrounds. We decided to put together strong will and motivation, passion, responsibility and experience to contribute to more cohesive and safer communities. We are prepared to create a positive impact in the social, educational and personal development of young people in our local communities and beyond. As mentees of the Beyond Association, members of the informal group are part of the "Empowerment Hub" project, which serves as a platform specifically designed to foster the growth of young people, through guidance and mentoring, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, channeling their passions and talents to initiatives that resonate with the collective principles and aspirations of the community. As a result, the EMPOWERMENT HUB becomes not just a physical space, but a vibrant hub of creativity, collaboration and empowerment, where each individual's journey contributes to the collective enrichment and progress of all parties involved.