
On Day 6 we had to use our creativity to create art from trash. After the art-cycling activity, a professional came and presented to us the concept of Circle Economy  

Ecologizing – Cisnadie

Day 5 begun with a loooong walk to Cisnădie town, where we had the opportunity to observe the good and bad practices of the people and municipality. We had the role of observers in this case and we took photos, interviewed locals and tried to clean the area. Each team...

Let’s do it!

Pe 18 septembrie, am luat si noi parte la miscarea mondiala Let’s do it – world cleanup day. Voluntarii nostrii din proiectul #ECOCHANGEMAKERS au colectat deseuri din zonele verzi din satul Cisnadioara. Ne-am bucurat de vremea buna de afara si de compania celor 28 de...